Krishnamurti in India: The Last Decade : 1976-1986

Krishnamurti In India: The Last Decade : 1976 – 1986

The 20th century has seen many seers in India. Of them, Swami Vivekananda, Sri Ramana Maharshi, Sri Aurobindo and Jiddu Krishnamurti  are the giants.

Of these giants, only Krishnamurti lived through the later part of the century when technology to record audio and video became easily available. Thus it is that we have written records of the teachings of all these seers. With Krishnamurti alone, audio recordings of his talks became possible from 1962 and video recording from 1980 until his passing away in 1986.

The audio recorded talks are an incredible, even mindboggling treasure trove whose value has been little appreciated. Listening to an audio talk practically replicates the ambience in which the original talk was given. The listener gets the feeling of Krishnamurti talking to him directly.

The probabilities of a person getting to meet a seer in his lifetime is one in millions if not billions. The audio recorded talks provides a virtual meeting and this possibility is available to all.

There are 118 public talks that Krishnamurti gave in India between 1976 and 1986.

Krishnamurti’s public talks are between 1hr to 1hr 30min. In the modern world, few have an attention span that is capable of listening to an entire talk without a break.

In this series, every day the transcript of one paragraph of the talk will be provided along with an audio clip covering the transcript. Audio clips will be of a few minutes duration.

Apart from being able to listen to the entire talk over days, this also allows the point made every day to soak in and the mind to ruminate about it until the next day’s talk.

The first talk is at Rajghat, Varanasi on 3 November 1976.

The first audio clip will be posted at 6 AM on 25May 2020. Every day thereafter, at 6 AM the subsequent clip will be posted.

7 thoughts on “Krishnamurti in India: The Last Decade : 1976-1986”

  1. Great! Looking forward to listening K’s talks in India. Thank you Gopalan

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