25 May

Krishnamurti In India: The Last decade

Public Talk 1 : 03 November 1976, Rajghat Varanasi

Perhaps it would be good if we could establish between ourselves, between the speaker and you, a communication which is not only verbal, but also a non-verbal communication.

The words are never the thing. The description is never the described.

So we are not only communicating with each other at the verbal level, that is, at the descriptive level, using words which are common in English language, without any jargon, and to go very deeply, if we can this evening and the other evening when we talk, go very deeply into the whole nature of consciousness and if that consciousness of human beings can be transformed. That is what we are going to talk over together.

Communication implies that we share together, not that you merely listen, accept or reject, translate what is being said according to your own particular idiosyncrasies or like and dislike, but communication implies that both of us, you and the speaker, partake in the problems as they actually are, not theories, not some vague or definite conclusions, but we are dealing with facts as they are, what is actually going on.

Without understanding what is actually going on, mere theories and conclusions or hopes have very little significance.

4 thoughts on “25 May”

  1. Jargon doesn’t add vitality or essence to communication or people communicating . K’s tone is amazing and tenor thoughtful . We speak a lot ,use words,phrases and idioms and couch the language in lexical jargon but miss the point . Even in relationships we speak a lot ,but communicate little . Focus on the fact and appropriate use of verbal and nonverbal communication is what K is explaining . It is true that we end up aggravating the problem not because there was no communication but word , theory etc is overemphasized to the detriment of the fact . Non verbal gestures often are very productive while words spoken vitiate the atmosphere, let alone solving the problem.
    Excited to receive K’ s Wisdom in his own words . Thank you Gopalan

  2. ‘Consciousness’. The word is not the thing is it. The description is not the described. I can only know that there is consciousness. In that knowing, the mind is quiet for a moment.

  3. Can we begin with simple experiments in our daily lives. To look at a leaf, a flower . The light on the leaf, the lines, the movement of the branch. To look without the word, without the name, without bringing like and dislike. To be in direct contact, to be relating. To observe both the outer and the inner as one movement.

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