25 November

  1. Krishnamurti In India: The Last Decade: 1976 – 1986

Fourth Public Talk at Madras : 1978/79

9 I would suggest that we first look at our life – actually what it is, what is happening in our life because our life in action is society. Right sir? You get it? Agree? Our life in action is our society, and you cannot transform that society unless you transform yourself. That’s so obvious. The communists, the liberals, the socialists will not alter it. Or your reading the Gita, the Upanishads will not alter it, or becoming terribly interested in what Buddhism has to say, or follow Zen meditation, you know, none of those will solve it – don’t know what has happened today – so, let us look at what is happening in our life, in our daily life. Our daily life is based on relationship. Without relationship, you cannot possibly exist. Right? What is our relationship with each other, not you two sitting together, I don’t mean that – but with your wife, with your husband, with your boss, with your factory worker, with your labourer, what is your relationship with each other? In that relationship is there order? Not self-centred activity opposed to another self-centred activity – you follow what… That is contradiction. I may be married, have children, sex and all the rest of it, and if I am self-centred, concerned about my own success, my ambition, my status, worrying about my – all the rest of it – and she is also concerned about herself, her problems, her beauty, her looks and you know, all the rest of it – how can there by any kind of relationship between the two people? You understand all this? If you have one belief and the other has another kind of belief or another kind of conclusion, another kind of dogma, there is no relationship. Haven’t you noticed all this?

10 So, is it possible to bring order in our relationship, with your wife and husband? Not with the universe, not with cosmos, not with God. God is an invention of the intellect. You can have extraordinary relationship with those things that you have invented, with the illusions. But to have relationship with your wife and husband and children so that there is no conflict between us. That’s where the order begins. Right? Right sir? Now, how will you bring order there, because order we said – please listen to it, listen to the beauty of it at least – order is sequence in space, we are going to examine this, what we mean by space, what we mean by sequence, what we mean by order.

11 If we have not relationship with each other, there is fear. Either one dominates the other, either they separate but only come together in bed. So, we live a brutal life with each other. Haven’t you noticed all this? Don’t you know all this? And in what way shall we bring order so that it is enduring – not one day order, the next day disorder? What brings about this contradiction in relationship? Contradiction between my voice and what I want to say – probably I should have drunk a little water before I came here. Avanti. Let’s go. What brings this division between you, your wife, your husband and your children? Division is disorder. Right? Right sirs? The Muslim and the Hindu, the Jew and the Arab, the communist, the totalitarianism and freedom. These opposites is the essence of disorder. Right? So, what brings about disorder in our human relationship, with the most intimate and not so intimate? Have you ever thought about it? Come on sirs! Or are you frightened to look at this disorder? Because, when you become aware that your wife and yourself and the husband or the wife becomes aware of this disorder, either they accept it and live with it or to analyse, to go into it, to investigate it and that may bring about a tremendous change and there is a fear of change. You are following what we are saying? Ah? Right sir? There is my friend, at least I can talk to him. What brings about this disorder? Now, I am saying something – please listen carefully – I am not, we are investigating, I am not saying it is right or wrong. Is it desire? I mean by desire, the sensory responses with its image which thought has created, and the action, the urge of that desire – you understand my – Zeus! I mean by desire, the speaker means by desire – please investigate it as we go along, don’t accept what he is saying – the perceiving, the seeing, sensory seeing, contact, sensation and with the sensation goes the image which thought has created, and desire – you have understood this? Is this fairly clear?

1 thought on “25 November”

  1. ” . . . to have relationship with your wife and husband and children so that there is no conflict between us. That’s where the order begins . . . ”
    Aren’t we interested in something else. in the world order, cosmic order?
    Is it because we are conditioned by the religions and ideas?
    Or , is it because, we are considering conformity as order?

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